Upcoming District Events

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Manse Ladies Weekend Away - BREATH OF LIFE


Manse Ladies Weekend Away
7th – 9th FEBRUARY 2025


With Claire Funnell

This year we are moving venue to the ROSSLEA HALL HOTEL on the banks of the Clyde in RHU just beyond HELENSBURGH. We would love for you to join us for a relaxing weekend of fun, laughter, time with each other and God.

Details as below :

Arrive Friday from 4pm onwards- Dinner at 6.30pm.

Leave following lunch Sunday afternoon.

COST : £170 / person. Twin rooms only available  ( if you have a preference as to who to share with just let us know.)

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British Isles Church of the Nazarene.

All Rights Reserved.

British Isles North District is a registered charity in Scotland. OSCR Reference No. SC006321

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